Boats are substantial financial investments and prized possessions for many. However, boats can be extremely vulnerable in the event of extreme weather such as hurricanes, tornados, and other heavy storms. Even if you have great boat insurance, you will probably still want to take some precautions to keep your boat safe during inclement weather. Today we will walk through five simple things that boat owners can do to protect their boats during violent storms.
1. Decide whether your boat should be kept on the water or moved inland
This is a pivotal decision for a boat owner. If there is a safe place to store your boat inland, then you should seriously consider it. This would ideally be a place with no risk of falling trees or potentially damaging debris. However, you know your situation better than anybody, and you will need to evaluate your options for yourself.
If you decide to move your boat inland, then you should lash it to your trailer as tightly as possible. Placing blocks around your trailer’s wheels to prevent it from rolling is also a good idea. If your boat is light, you might consider weighing down by filling it up with water, or something else that is heavy and non-damaging.
2. Make sure that the weight on your boat’s deck is evenly distributed
Making sure that the weight on your boat’s deck is evenly distributed will do a lot to keep your boat level in rough waters. The absolute last thing you want is for your boat to start taking on water, or capsize!
To do this, you should arrange everything on your boat’s deck so that the weight is centered and then strap everything in place. If there is anything that cannot be tied down, it should be removed or stored below deck. In high winds, these items will be at risk of becoming debris that could do serious damage to your boat, or nearby boats.
3. Reinforce and extend your docking lines
If your boat is tied to a dock, you should double up on the your docking lines and fasten them to the dock’s highest possible pilings. This will keep your boat safe in the event of high winds and large swells. You should also give some extra slack to your docking lines to account for the possibility of extreme tidal fluctuations and storm surges.
4. If your boat is at a dock, take steps to minimize chafing
It’s extremely important for boats to be securely tethered to docks during storms because there would otherwise be a serious risk of boats being swept away. However, docks can do as much bad for your boat as they can good. Indeed, docks themselves can often inflict serious damage on boats. To protect your boat, you should install fenders to act as buffers against the dock. Docking lines also have the potential to do serious damage to the exterior of your boat when strained, so it would be wise to install chafe guards on your boat for protection.
If you have access to a “hurricane hole,” that is, a safe, secluded piece of water that could be a refuge during intense storms, you might consider laying anchor there instead. This will allow you to completely circumvent the issues presented by docks at marinas.
5. Take steps to protect your boat when you’re out of town
If an intense storm blows in while you are at home, great! Battle stations! But if a storm comes through while you are out of town, you will wish that you had mechanisms in place to protect your boat. You should ask a friend, or possibly the management of your marina, to watch over your boat in the event of your absence during a storm. Give this guardian a very specific set of instructions about what precautions need to be taken so that they will be confident and your boat will be safe.
Have Questions About Boat Insurance In Nashville?
Have questions about boat insurance, get in touch with Royce Williams today! We would be happy to answer any questions that you might have and provide you with the insurance policy you need!